"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

Thursday, October 14, 2010

God made snakes. But I still don't like them.

"Do not be deceived: 'Evil company corrupts good habits.'" 1 Corinthians 15:33
"He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed." Proverbs 13:20

A month or so ago, I arrived home late after work one day. As I pulled into the drive, I completed my ritual gaze – I looked at the front steps, around the front steps, around the front door, in the carport area, around the carport doorway, along the wall of the carport ... Why do I have this ritual gaze, you ask? Well, last summer was the first time in years that I have lived by myself. That summer proved to be challenging in many ways, but none more challenging (in my book) than dealing with a certain species of creepy-crawlies that seemed to keep visiting. Those are stories for another day. Thankfully, on this particular day, it seemed that one had stopped by to visit, but I wasn’t around. Like any good southerner, it left me a parting gift. Yay, gifts. I love gifts! Ha. I could’ve lived long happy years without this gift!  As I stepped out of my car and stood up I saw it --- the skin stretched straight out from the wall of the carport toward my parked car. I was caught off guard. My ritual gaze failed me! Why had I not seen it as I pulled in? Then the thought crossed my mind that it wasn’t there when I pulled in so the creature was probably wrapping itself around my ankle or crawling in my car at the very moment. I frantically looked around. I didn’t see it, so I hurried inside.
For those of you who really know me, you know that this is the point in the story where a few tears are shed, my stomach starts cramping in knots, and fearful thoughts of that little creature crawling all in my personal space overwhelm my mind.
Deep cleansing breaths. It’s just a snake. God made snakes.
A few minutes after regaining my composure, I leashed Leland and we headed out for a potty break. Before returning back inside I carefully sneak up to take another peak at the skin. One end of the skin is sandwiched between an old milk crate and a metal plant hanger that was closely leaning beside the crate.  
I know God made snakes. But I still don’t like them.
I found it very difficult to sleep that night. I thought about that snake resting behind the couch in my living room. What if it climbed in through the dryer vent and it’s in my dryer next time I open it to dry a load of clothes? What if it really was under my car and it’s waiting for me to return? What if it’s in my AC vents and it falls out one day? In my tub? Under my kitchen sink? Hiding in the window seal behind the blinds and/or curtains?
As those thoughts consumed my mind, I retraced my little adventure of finding the skin. I soon started thinking about how amazing God’s creations are. I still don’t like snakes, but it does amaze me that God made them – that every part of the creature they are was constructed by his master plan for the animal he named “snake”. How he formed their organs just the right size to fit in the structure that he gave them. How he gave them defense mechanisms to protect them. How he formed the muscles and whatever else they have that helps them slither around. How he made them smart enough to know how to shed their skin … how he made them smart enough to know how to shed their skin …
How he made them smart enough to know how to shed their skin.
It was then that I thanked God for the snakeskin. I still don’t like snakes. J But, Lord help me seek for more wisdom so like a snake, I realize when its time to shed my old, icky, run-down, stinky, sin-filled skin. And then Lord, just like that snake found the old milk carton and plant hanger, help me be wise enough to find and surround myself with Christian people who I can rub up against…people who can help me loosen that skin in preparation for shedding. And finally, Lord, help me walk away from that skin and leave it right where it falls off so I may never look back – instead help me rejoice in the new skin that has grown back.
I didn’t touch or move the skin. Over the course of the next couple days it just disappeared … hmmm … thank you, Father, for making my sins just disappear. 
Somewhere around my house there is a snake sporting a shiny brand spanking new skin. Yay for new skin! Now, Lord, if you’ll just keep him out of my sight I’d be grateful!

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