"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

Monday, September 20, 2010

I am thankful for my past. Without it I couldn't begin to understand or appreciate my present. –Me

In approximately 11 days and 17 hours I will be Mrs. Funderburk. Whoa!!!

With that in mind, I become Mrs. Funderburk thanks, in part, to my past. My past has shaped me into the person I am today. There were certainly times that I didn’t like some things that I endured. There were times I wasn’t happy with a situation or with the “hand” that was dealt. There were times that I thought my world couldn’t possibly get better. (I will admit I was wrong about that one!) There were happy times. There were sad times. There were neutral times. There were painful times. There were complacent times. There were times that I choose to be blind. There were lost times … the list could really go on and on. For those many “times,” I am thankful! And, in that thankfulness, I cherish the blessing of each new day and what God has in store for that day.

Starting a blog has been on my mind for about a month now. I don’t know where to begin in sharing how I got to this point. A lot has taken place in my life in the last year and a half --- more than I think I could ever relay into words. Maybe it’s not for me to share?! Maybe it is? If so, I know I will find the words. For whatever strange reason, though, as I reflect on the past I find a great desire to begin trying to document parts of my life and to share my struggles, my prayers, my thoughts, and my emotions with you … whoever you are. So, here we go …