"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Eating Around the World Part IV

Okay, this really will be the last post of Eating Around the World. I couldn't fit it all in the last post ...

24th stop: Greece
This is where we jumped off course and skipped ahead because we wanted Canada to be our last booth of the night. This was also where we realized that we needed to speed things up a bit so that we could get back to claim our spot for the Illuminations fireworks show later that night. Here’s the menu and the picture of the Spanikopita that we chose to try:

I have to say, it was so yummy! The pastry was light and crisp. The filling was just creamy enough but not runny. It really was delish! I could’ve eaten 4 or 5 of them … IF we had eaten at 23 other stops that day. Lol.  Score:  5 Mickeyheads
25th stop: New Zealand
I was feeling a bit like I was floating in food by this time, and this was the menu set before us:

When we looked over it, I will admit I wondered how in the world I would make myself try one more “new” thing that didn’t at least sound appetizing. Jeremy kept convincing me to take one for the team – the Funderburk Team – we had made the plan to eat around the world, and we were sooo close to achieving that – only 4 more stops.  

Ok. Team.

The “team” chose to try this. The Lamb Slider. 
I wasn’t excited at all. I had tried lamb earlier in the day and wasn’t very impressed. At this point, I must comment about the cast members who were working this booth. They were so energetic and spunky and fun. The first time we had really encountered this Disney attitude all day. The other folks all around the world weren’t rude, they just were not as energized as these 3 outstanding cast members. Every time someone ordered the Lamb Slider, they would exclaim in unison “Lamb Slider, Mmm, mmm good.” Unfortunately that’s the only little cheer I can remember, but they had them for every item on the menu – including the wine. How fun!

With that energized attitude, how could someone not become excited about trying their Lamb Slider???? Jeremy tried it first and I could tell by his face that it was to his liking. With that in mind, and in the spirit of the 3 enthusiastic New Zealand cast members, I went in for my taste. Whhhhhoooooooowwwwww! That Lamb Slider places in our top 5 favorite “Tastes of the World.” (coming soon to this blog) It was YUMMY!  Score: 5 Mickeyheads

26th stop: McDonald’s
Yes, boys and girls, you read that right. McDonald’s. Apparently, Disney used to serve McDonald’s french fries in a few select places. One of them being at a refreshment port located between the New Zealand and Canada booths. I scurried to the restroom for a potty break and Jeremy scurried to the line for some McDonald fries. When we met back up I was informed that Disney no longer offers McDonald’s fries in the park. That made for a sad little boy. But, he was quickly cheered up when I reminded him that we still had soup at Canada. Onward ho to the next adventure …

27th stop: Charcuterie & Cheese (Much like the Desserts and Champagne booth, I realize that this is not a country. But, it is the name of a booth at the Food and Wine Festival that is located in the World Showcase Pavilion, so we have to try something.)
I won’t say that we were necessarily excited about this booth, however, we found ourselves chatting with a young woman on the day before in the World Showcase and she happened to be enjoying the Fondue from this booth. She commented that it was very good, and it looked appetizing, so we both had it in our mind to try it when we returned.

I failed to take a picture, but I borrowed the one above from disneyfoodblog.com. The fondue was tasty, but a little watery. It wasn’t nearly as good as it looked or as we had hoped from our previous encounter with the young woman the day before. Score: 3 Mickeyheads

28th stop: Canada
We planned this to be our last booth stop because we knew we would end with a “good” taste. The day before we had enjoyed an outstanding lunch at Le Cellier in Canada. It was amazing! (possibly more to come about that later in this blog) We knew that the cheese soup we had at Le Cellier was offered at the Canada booth and we KNEW we would have it again. It was a must. The menu at our last booth stop of the day:

The cheese soup – delish! Enough said. I would have licked the bowl clean if I hadn’t been worried about those around me being concerned that I hadn’t eaten all day. LOL! Score: 5 Mickeyheads

The salmon was also yummy. I wasn’t crazy about the lentils. Neither was Jeremy. But the salmon was good to both of us. Jeremy even commented that he’d be happy if I cooked him Salmon sometime. Anyone have a good salmon recipe? Score: 4.5 Mickeyheads

This day had been so fun! We started around 12 and ate all around the world. By this time it was probably around 7:30 pm and we were sitting in our spot for the fireworks display. I know our feet were probably a little tired from walking and standing. Our tummies were probably a little fatigued from digesting so much food. And, our taste buds clocked overtime on this day. But, it was worth it. It was truly a delightful day. As we waited for time to pass, we knew there was one more stop to make. We sat for a little while to let food digest and make more room. Then Jeremy went to get the food from the last stop …

29th stop: England
No, this was not a booth for the Food and Wine Festival. However, much like my ‘necessary’ stop in Norway for Schoolbread, this was Jeremy’s ‘necessary’ stop for Fish and Chips. I stayed in our spot for the fireworks and he walked to England to get us some Fish and Chips. I failed to get a picture but I borrowed this one from disneyfoodblog.com. Score: 4 Mickeyheads

When he returned, we sat and enjoyed fish and chips and talked about the day. We talked about our favorites, and laughed over the horrible ones, we high-fived about trying sushi together and just soaked up the joy of being together while we reminisced about our fun day.

Extra stop: Surprise
Well, actually it’s not an extra stop. It was actually round 2 of a previous stop. As we discussed our favorites, we decided that we needed just one more taste of the chocolate Crème Brulee. We knew we would not make it back to Epcot before the end of the trip. So, off he went back to visit France and capture another yummy chocolate goodness for us to enjoy. Yum! He also brought a surprise back for me. Isn’t he a sweet hubby?! Can you tell or guess what it is?

That’s right. You remember, don’t you? Belgium. Iced coffee. He’s such a good hubby. How did he know I would enjoy that so much at the end of my day?!

Ahhh, such a good day! And, I’ll close with this picture. It was taken after the fireworks while we sat, enjoyed the weather, and waited for the park to empty before we headed out.

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